

来源: | 发表时间:2015-08-14 | 作者:郭雷 | 打印】 【关闭
Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of ICIAM2015
by Guo Lei
ICIAM2015 Congress Director
President of China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
August 10, 2015
Respected Vice President Li Yuanchao,
Respected ICIAM President Barbara Keyfitz,
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this exciting moment, on behalf of the Congress Organizers, I would like to first extend our warmest welcome to all of you to ICIAM 2015 in Beijing!
More than six years ago, the ICIAM Board decided in Oslo to choose Beijing as the Congress site of ICIAM 2015. Since then, we have got on the long road preparing for the congress opened today. According to this morning’s statistics, the registered participants to this congress have exceeded 3100, coming from more than 70 countries and regions. Among them, are not only specialists and students in applied mathematics, but also researchers from other fields, and not only scholars, but also industrial practitioners. This is really a grand gathering!
There are also some other distinguishing features of this congress. It is the first time for this quadrennial congress takes place in China, in Asia as well as in a developing country. It will also be the first time that the work of the five ICIAM Prize winners be introduced immediately following the opening ceremony, and the winners will be invited to deliver their Prize Lectures at the Congress.
The congress scientific program contains 31 invited lectures and prize lectures, one public lecture, and more than 3100 oral and poster presentations, the largest number in the history of ICIAM Congresses. It profiles the emerging trends as well as recent developments in applied mathematics together with their interactions with science, engineering, and industry.
As you may already know, the congress is organized by CSIAM, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, jointly with five other Chinese professional societies. Yet, I should say that this congress is a collective effort of numerous institutions and people, both domestic and abroad.
Let me first thank the strong support from the government and the academia in China, as evidenced by the presence of Vice-President Li Yuanchao at this opening ceremony, as well as by the number of supporting governmental sectors and academic institutions, including the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Chinese Association of Science and Technology.
We are indebted to the enthusiastic support and indispensible contributions coming from the ICIAM Council, the Congress Steering Committee, the Scientific Program Committee, the Executive Committee, the Congress Secretariat, and the Organizers of the mini-symposia, embedded meetings and satellite meetings. We would also like to express our thanks to SIAM, to other ICIAM member societies, to the co-organizing and sponsoring universities and agencies, and to the volunteers. Most importantly, thank you all for your participation!
Finally, I sincerely wish you a pleasant stay in Beijing, and have a successful and memorable Congress! Thanks you !
