
来源:  时间:2016-12-07   《打印》
Mathematical Analysis of Parametric Resonance in a Laser Design


Time: Dec. 8, 14:30-15:30

Venue: N205

Title: Mathematical Analysis of Parametric Resonance in a Laser Design

Speaker: Prof. Goong Chen (Department of Mathematics and Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering,Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 USA)


In a Physical Review X paper published in 2013 by Svidzinsky, Yuan and Scully, an innovative concept of laser design, based on ``parametric resonance" and  acronymed QASER (Quantum Amplification of Superradiant Emmision of Radiation),  is proposed. The model is formed by a pair of coupled oscillators of ODEs containing periodic coefficients. In this talk, we will discuss how to use the Floquet Theory to evaluate the rates of gains for the dominant modes of the laser system. This is joint work by G. Chen, J. Tian, B. Bin-Mohsin, R. Nessler, A. Svidzinsky and M.O. Scully published in Physica Scripta 91(2016), 073004.
