
来源:  时间:2017-08-17   《打印》
Distributed Algorithms for Solving Large Linear Equations and Applications
报告题目: Distributed Algorithms for Solving Large Linear Equations and Applications
报告人: Shaoshuai Mou (Purdue University, USA)
时间: 2017.8.15 (Tue.) 上午 09:30-10:30
摘要: We investigate distributed methods for solving linear equations in multi-agent networks. 
Each agent only knows part of the overall equation and can communicate with its nearby 
neighbors. A distributed algorithm is devised to enable all agents to achieve exponentially 
fast a common solution. The proposed algorithm is distributed, works for all linear equations 
as long as the solution exists, does not involve any sufficiently small step size, and works 
asynchronously. Further improvement to the algorithm is also discussed including utilization 
the sparsity to reduce the state dimension, elimination of the initialization step, and 
generalization to achieving least square solutions. Applications of the algorithm includes 
large content delivery across vehicular networks, distributed  network localizations, and so on.​
报告人简介: Shaoshuai Mou has been working as an assistant professor at School of Aeronautics 
and Astronautics at Purdue University since August 2015. He received his bachelor and master 
degree in Harbin Institute of Technology in 2006 and 2008, respectively. He completed his 
Ph.D. study at Prof. A. Stephen Morse’s group in Electrical Engineering at Yale University in 2014.  
Then he worked as a post-doc at MIT for a year.  During his Ph. D. study, he held a position of 
visiting scholar at Australian National University and worked part-time for Yale Law School. 
He has received the Yale University Raymond John Wean Fellowship (2009) and the Chinese 
Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad (2014). His research interests include 
distributed algorithms and control, multi-agent networks, formation control, and collaborations 
of UAVs.​