
来源:  时间:2023-07-21   《打印》
Feedback system analysis: back to the future

报告人:Rodolphe Sepulchre(University of  Cambridge)
Back in 1960, George Zames proposed to ground the theory of feedback systems in incremental input-output analysis. Sixty years later, the theory of nonlinear control is primarily grounded in non-incremental state-space analysis. The talk will examine some consequences of that evolution and describe ongoing efforts to revive Zames proposal in the algorithmic age of control. Joint work with Tom Chaffey, Fulvio Forni, and Henk Van Waarde.
Rodolphe Sepulchre is professor of engineering at the KU Leuven (Belgium) and at the University of  Cambridge (UK). He is a fellow of IFAC (2020), IEEE (2009), and SIAM (2015).  He received the IEEE CSS Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize in 2008 and the IEEE CSS George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award in 2020. He was elected at the Royal Academy of Belgium in 2013.  He is Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Control Systems. He co-authored the monographs Constructive Nonlinear Control (1997, with M. Jankovic and P. Kokotovic) and Optimization on Matrix Manifolds (2008, with P.-A. Absil and R. Mahony).   His research is currently focused on neuromorphic control and it is funded by the ERC advanced grant SpikyControl (2023-2028).